Find referendums and plebiscites

(E. g. Italien, Uruguay, Palau)

(E. g. Verfassung, Ehescheidung, Alkohol)


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Search Instructions

This database contains almost all referenda from 1790 to present on national level, i. e. of all independent countries and autonomous areas. This definition is a bit fuzzy but local only referenda like those of US states are not part of it.

All data entries are in German but at the top of each page is a link for an automatic translation into English.

But beware: keywords for the search mask must be entered in German. If the fields "country, area" or "subject" yield no results it is advisable to limit the search to years.

  • Empty form : all referenda of this year
  • Area or subject only : all years are searched
  • Enter year with four digits but without month or day
  • One year only : into field "begin"
  • Fields are not case sensitive