Das Bundesparlament beschliesst am , der Präambel des ursprünglichen
Verfassungstexts von 1900 soll eine eigene Präambel beigefügt werden. Die Änderung
soll am in Kraft treten.
Obligatorisches Verfassungsreferendum nach Art. 128 der Verfassung. Erforderlich
sind ein Volks- und ein Staatenmehr. Die beiden Territorien (Australian Capital
Territory und Northern Territory) zählen zum Volks- aber nicht zum Staatenmehr.
"Referendum on proposed Constitution alteration
A PROPOSED LAW: To alter the Constitution to insert a preamble.
With hope in God, the Commonwealth of Australia is constituted as a democracy with a federal system of government to serve the common good. We the Australian people commit ourselves to this Constitution:
proud that our national unity has been forged by Australians from many ancestries;
never forgetting the sacrifices of all who defended our country and our liberty in time of war;
upholding freedom, tolerance, individual dignity and the rule of law;
honouring Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, the nation's first people, for their deep kinship with their lands and for their ancient and continuing cultures which enrich the life of our country;
recognising the nation-building contribution of generations of immigrants;
mindful of our responsibility to protect our unique natural environment;
supportive of achievement as well as equality of opportunity for all;
and valuing independence as dearly as the national spirit which binds us together in both adversity and success.
Art. 125A Effect of preamble
The preamble to this Constitution has no legal force and shall not be considered in interpreting this Constitution or the law in force in the Commonwealth or any part of the Commonwealth.