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Irland, 22. Mai 1998 : Vertrag von Amsterdam

Gebiet Irland
┗━ Stellung unabhängiger Staat
Vorlage Vertrag von Amsterdam
┗━ Fragemuster Entscheidungsfrage
┗━ Gesetzliche Grundlage Obligatorisches Referendum → durch Parlament → bindend → Stufe: Verfassung → Partialrevision (Einzelthema)
Ergebnis angenommen
┗━ Mehrheiten gültige Stimmen
Stimmberechtigte 2'747'088
Stimmbeteiligung 1'543'930 56,26%
Stimmen ausser Betracht 33'228
Gültige (= massgebende) Stimmen 1'510'702auf die gültigen Stimmen bezogen
┗━ Ja-Stimmen 932'632 61,74%
┗━ Nein-Stimmen 578'070 38,26%
Bemerkungen Obligatorisches Verfassungsreferendum nach Art. 46 und 47 der Verfassung. Die Änderung tritt am in Kraft.

Grüner Stimmzettel.

Art. 29 Abs. 4 Ziffern 5 und 6 (neu, alte Ziffern 5 und 6 werden 7 und 8):
"5° The State may ratify the Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related Acts signed at Amsterdam on the 2nd day of October, 1997.
6° The State may exercise the options or discretions provided by or under Articles 1.11, 2.5 and 2.15 of the Treaty referred to in subsection 5 of this section and the second and fourth protocols set out in the said treaty but any such exercise shall be subject to the prior approval of both Houses of the Oireachtas."

Stimmberechtigte Stimmbeteiligung in % Ausser Betracht Gültige Stimmen Ja in % Nein in %
Carlow - Kilkenny 86584 48622 56.16 1319 47303 30122 63.68 17181 36.32
Cavan - Monaghan 83141 50513 60.76 1354 49159 32044 65.18 17115 34.82
Clare 71060 36603 51.51 955 35648 22939 64.35 12709 35.65
Cork East 63881 35344 55.33 839 34505 19780 57.33 14725 42.67
Cork North-Central 72802 38832 53.34 791 38041 20715 54.45 17326 45.55
Cork North-West 47402 27990 59.05 836 27154 15682 57.75 11472 42.25
Cork South-Central 85752 49892 58.18 826 49066 28460 58.00 20606 42.00
Cork South-West 47988 27568 57.45 851 26717 15632 58.51 11085 41.49
Donegal North-East 52188 29157 55.87 596 28561 17843 62.47 10718 37.53
Donegal South-West 51097 27908 54.62 719 27189 16492 60.66 10697 39.34
Dublin Central 63483 33533 52.82 603 32930 18744 56.92 14186 43.08
Dublin North 65312 39603 60.64 532 39071 24912 63.76 14159 36.24
Dublin North-Central 65737 42773 65.07 702 42071 24832 59.02 17239 40.98
Dublin North-East 59398 36503 61.45 441 36062 21523 59.68 14539 40.32
Dublin North-West 59332 35109 59.17 499 34610 19905 57.51 14705 42.49
Dublin South 90536 57363 63.36 855 56508 36281 64.21 20227 35.79
Dublin South-Central 66994 39795 59.40 664 39131 22349 57.11 16782 42.89
Dublin South-East 62663 37310 59.54 636 36674 22298 60.80 14376 39.20
Dublin South-West 76748 40106 52.26 543 39563 22604 57.13 16959 42.87
Dublin West 68773 38567 56.08 501 38066 22495 59.09 15571 40.91
Dun Laoghaire 86311 53652 62.16 854 52798 34530 65.40 18268 34.60
Galway East 61703 32546 52.75 886 31660 21590 68.19 10070 31.81
Galway West 79180 38730 48.91 975 37755 23470 62.16 14285 37.84
Kerry North 51641 26197 50.73 677 25520 14126 55.35 11394 44.65
Kerry South 47677 25427 53.33 785 24642 14410 58.48 10232 41.52
Kildare North 54104 29406 54.35 442 28964 18479 63.80 10485 36.20
Kildare South 47904 24564 51.28 478 24086 15644 64.95 8442 35.05
Laoighis - Offaly 84530 46585 55.11 1056 45529 27839 61.15 17690 38.85
Limerick East 77884 42286 54.29 932 41354 26241 63.45 15113 36.55
Limerick West 48454 25420 52.46 785 24635 15287 62.05 9348 37.95
Longford - Roscommon 63968 35896 56.12 1041 34855 23255 66.72 11600 33.28
Louth 72116 43643 60.52 782 42861 28137 65.65 14724 34.35
Mayo 86785 45244 52.13 1339 43905 28621 65.19 15284 34.81
Meath 92053 49811 54.11 962 48849 31660 64.81 17189 35.19
Sligo - Leitrim 64538 36815 57.04 1038 35777 23487 65.65 12290 34.35
Tipperary North 53368 30611 57.36 825 29786 18137 60.89 11649 39.11
Tipperary South 51439 29789 57.91 785 29004 18240 62.89 10764 37.11
Waterford 69793 37865 54.25 858 37007 23002 62.16 14005 37.84
Westmeath 48289 26392 54.65 697 25695 16310 63.48 9385 36.52
Wexford 84228 44293 52.59 1107 43186 27860 64.51 15326 35.49
Wicklow 80252 45667 56.90 862 44805 26655 59.49 18150 40.51
TOTAL 2747088 1543930 56.20 33228 1510702 932632 61.74 578070 38.26
Gleichzeitig mit
Vollständigkeit Endergebnis
Letzte Änderung