Nördliche Marianen, 3. November 1985 : Vertretung bei den USA

Gebiet Nördliche Marianen
┗━ Stellung abhängiges Gebiet mit begrenzter Selbstverwaltung (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika)
Vorlage Vertretung bei den USA
┗━ Fragemuster Entscheidungsfrage
┗━ Gesetzliche Grundlage Obligatorisches Referendum → durch Verfassungsrat → bindend → Stufe: Verfassung → Partialrevision (Einzelthema)
Ergebnis angenommen
┗━ Mehrheiten abgegebene Stimmen, 66,67% der Untereinheiten
Stimmberechtigte 7'610
Stimmbeteiligung --- --- %
Gültige (= massgebende) Stimmen ---auf alle abgegebenen Stimmen bezogen
┗━ Ja-Stimmen --- --- %
┗━ Nein-Stimmen --- --- %
┗━ Stimmen ausser Betracht --- --- %
Senatswahlkreise 3
┗━ Annehmende Senatswahlkreise ---
┗━ Verwerfende Senatswahlkreise ---
Bemerkungen Siehe Vorlage 1.

Kapitel V:
"Section 1. Resident Representative to the United States. A resident representative to the United States shall be elected to represent the Commonwealth in the United States and perform those related duties provided by law. The governor shall provide a certification of selection promptly to the United States Department of State and to the resident representative.
Section 2. Term of Office. The term of office of the resident representative shall be two years, except that on the second Monday of January 1990, the term of office of the resident representative shall be increased to four years. In the event that the United States confers the status of member or non-voting delegate in the United States Congress on the resident representative and such status requires a different term, the term of office of the resident representative shall be that required by such status.
Section 3. Qualifications. The resident representative shall be qualified to vote in the Commonwealth, a citizen of the United States, at least twenty-five years of age, and a resident and domiciliary of the Commonwealth for at least seven years, immediately preceding the date on which the resident representative takes office. A different period of residence and domicile may be provided by law. No person convicted of a felony in the Commonwealth or in any area under the jurisdiction of the United States may be eligible for this office unless a full pardon has been granted.
Section 4. Annual Report. The resident representative shall submit a written report by the first day of March of each year, except that an outgoing resident representative shall submit a final written report by the second Monday of January of the year he or she leaves office, to the governor and legislature on the resident representative's official activities during the preceding year and matters requiring the attention of the government or people of the Commonwealth.
Section 5. Compensation. The resident representative shall receive an annual salary and reasonable allowance for expenses provided by law. The salary may not be changed during a term of office. The staff of the office of the resident representative shall be exempted from the civil service.
Section 6. Vacancy. In the event of a vacancy in the office of resident representative to the United States, the governor shall appoint a successor with the advice and consent of the legislature unless the United States confers the status of member or non-voting delegate in the United States Congress on the resident representative and such status requires a different method of filling vacancies, in which case vacancies shall be filled in the manner required by such status.
Section 7. Impeachment. The resident representative is subject to impeachment as provided in Article II, Section 8, of this Constitution for treason, commission of a felony, corruption or neglect of duty."

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