Volksinitiative durch 10% der Stimmberechtigten. Zur Annahme ist die Mehrheit
aller abgegebenen Stimmen nötig (§ 16201, 16206 Guam Code).
"Proposal B
An Initiative to amend Title 2 Guam Code Annotated to limit yearly appropriation
for Legislature Operation, actual expenditures or obligate to $3,000,000.00;
Affix personal liability to persons who incure, order, or vote to incure
obligations exceeding $3,000,000.00; Change the date the Legislature commences;
Reduce Senator's annual salaries to $18,000.00 per Senator and $19,500.00 for
the Speaker; Limit the Legislature to 90 days of regular sessions for each two
year term; Allow for introduction of bills, committee hearings, and Territorial
Budget in the second session; Require transcripts of all sessions."