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Irland, 26. Mai 1987 : Einheitliche Europäische Akte

Gebiet Irland
┗━ Stellung unabhängiger Staat
Vorlage Einheitliche Europäische Akte
┗━ Fragemuster Entscheidungsfrage
┗━ Gesetzliche Grundlage Obligatorisches Referendum → durch Parlament → bindend → Stufe: Verfassung → Partialrevision (Einzelthema)
Ergebnis angenommen
┗━ Mehrheiten gültige Stimmen
Stimmberechtigte 2'461'790
Stimmbeteiligung 1'085'304 44,09%
Stimmen ausser Betracht 4'904
Gültige (= massgebende) Stimmen 1'080'400auf die gültigen Stimmen bezogen
┗━ Ja-Stimmen 755'423 69,92%
┗━ Nein-Stimmen 324'977 30,08%
Bemerkungen Obligatorisches Verfassungsreferendum nach Art. 46 und 47 der Verfassung. Die Änderung tritt am in Kraft.

Die Abstimmung wird nötig, weil das Verfassungsgericht 1987 mit 3 zu 2 Stimmen befindet, die Einheitliche Akte entziehe der Regierung Kompetenzen in der Aussenpolitik, die die Verfassung ihr ausdrücklich garantiert.

Art. 29 Abs. 4 Ziffer 3:
"The State may become a member of the European Coal and Steel Community (established by Treaty signed at Paris on the 18th day of April, 1951), the European Economic Community (established by Treaty signed at Rome on the 25th day of March, 1957) and the European Atomic Energy Community (established by Treaty signed at Rome on the 25th day of March, 1957). The State may ratify the Single European Act (signed on behalf of the Member States of the Communities at Luxembourg on the 17th day of February, 1986, and at The Hague on the 28th day of February, 1986). No provision of this Constitution invalidates laws enacted, acts done or measures adopted by the State necessitated by the obligations of membership of the Communities, or prevents laws enacted, acts done or measures adopted by the Communities, or institutions thereof, from having the force of law in the State."

Stimmberechtigte Stimmbeteiligung in % Ausser Betracht Gültige Stimmen Ja in % Nein in %
Carlow-Kilkenny 78653 35385 44.99 245 35140 25284 71.95 9856 28.05
Cavan-Monaghan 75913 31416 41.38 209 31207 24913 79.83 6294 20.17
Clare 63510 27067 42.62 122 26945 20816 77.25 6129 22.75
Cork East 55940 26122 46.70 90 26032 17285 66.40 8747 33.60
Cork North-Central 64011 27931 43.63 104 27827 15068 54.15 12759 45.85
Cork North-West 41244 19948 48.37 103 19845 14296 72.04 5549 27.96
Cork South-Central 77231 39167 50.71 144 39023 24040 61.60 14983 38.40
Cork South-West 42304 19944 47.14 110 19834 13734 69.24 6100 30.76
Donegal North-East 44055 16984 38.55 110 16874 11040 65.43 5834 34.57
Donegal South-West 47526 16278 34.25 71 16207 11090 68.43 5117 31.57
Dublin Central 72116 31479 43.65 147 31332 18182 58.03 13150 41.97
Dublin North 48071 22097 45.97 80 22017 16090 73.08 5927 26.92
Dublin North-Central 57247 29300 51.18 93 29207 19263 65.95 9944 34.05
Dublin North-East 51377 24098 46.90 117 23981 15165 63.24 8816 36.76
Dublin North-West 50742 22047 43.45 113 21934 11916 54.33 10018 45.67
Dublin South 79614 42790 53.75 102 42688 31614 74.06 11074 25.94
Dublin South-Central 76743 35026 45.64 139 34887 21313 61.09 13574 38.91
Dublin South-East 68638 28984 42.23 137 28847 19542 67.74 9305 32.26
Dublin South-West 62489 25760 41.22 70 25690 15177 59.08 10513 40.92
Dublin West 77363 32589 42.12 58 32531 19994 61.46 12537 38.54
Dun Laoghaire 78721 41843 53.15 108 41735 31821 76.25 9914 23.75
Galway East 42491 16806 39.55 86 16810 13987 83.21 2823 16.79
Galway West 78785 28540 36.23 152 28388 20817 73.33 7571 26.67
Kerry North 46427 17998 38.77 88 17910 10709 59.79 7201 40.21
Kerry South 42565 17423 40.93 85 17338 11560 66.67 5778 33.33
Kildare 76003 32307 42.51 108 32199 23685 73.56 8514 26.44
Laoighis-Offaly 75693 31245 41.28 155 31090 22758 73.20 8332 26.80
Limerick East 68065 29963 44.02 96 29867 21350 71.48 8517 28.52
Limerick West 43146 19780 45.84 98 19682 15846 80.51 3836 19.49
Longford-Westmeath 61589 24569 39.89 154 24415 18686 76.53 5729 23.47
Louth 62545 27784 44.42 117 27667 19397 70.11 8270 29.89
Mayo East 41117 16451 40.01 99 16352 13406 81.98 2946 18.02
Mayo West 40895 15939 38.98 103 15836 12779 80.70 3057 19.30
Meath 75382 32472 43.08 148 32324 23822 73.70 8502 26.30
Roscommon 41329 17600 42.59 105 17495 14001 80.03 3494 19.97
Sligo-Leitrim 59608 26849 45.04 199 26650 20110 75.46 6540 24.54
Tipperary North 41507 19338 46.59 107 19231 14343 74.58 4888 25.42
Tipperary South 55560 25792 46.42 148 25644 19180 74.79 6464 25.21
Waterford 60409 27287 45.17 157 27130 18442 67.98 8688 32.02
Wexford 69773 30856 44.22 124 30732 22208 72.26 8524 27.74
Wicklow 65393 30050 45.95 103 29947 20784 69.40 9163 30.60
TOTAL 2461790 1085304 44.09 4904 1080400 755423 69.92 324977 30.08
Vollständigkeit Endergebnis
Letzte Änderung