abhängiges Gebiet mit voller Selbstverwaltung (Neuseeland)
┗━ Fragemuster
┗━ Gesetzliche Grundlage
Obligatorisches Referendum → durch Parlament → bindend → Stufe: Verfassung → Partialrevision (Paket)
┗━ Mehrheiten
gültige Stimmen
Stimmen ausser Betracht
Gültige (= massgebende) Stimmen
auf die gültigen Stimmen bezogen
┗━ Ja-Stimmen
┗━ Nein-Stimmen
Eine Kommission stellt im Änderungen an der Verfassung vor, die
das Parlament im billigt.
Die Verfassungsreform revidiert verschiedene Bereiche der Verfassung (Wählbarkeit, Landbesitz,
Obligatorisches Verfassungsreferendum nach Art. 35 der Verfassung. Gemäss Abs.
1 Bst. b reicht eine einfache Mehrheit der gültigen Stimmen.
Art. 17 (1) (b) Nationality and residential qualifications of electors and candidates
Has been ordinarily resident in Niue throughout the period of 12 months immediately preceding
an application for enrolment as an elector or, as the case may be, nomination as a candidate.
Art. 31. Special provisions with regard to measures affecting the criminal law or personal status
Art. 33 (1) (d) Special provisions with regard to measures affecting Niuean land
Kapitel III (Rechtspflege, Art. 37 bis 55) werden neu verfasst, dazu kommen die Artikel 55A, 55B und 55C.
Art. 62 (4) (a) Niue Public Service
A Judge or Commissioner of the High Court or [of the Land Court, a Judge of the Land Appellate Court]
a Justice of the Peace for Niue, or any other judicial officer appointed by or pursuant to existing
law or Act; or [...] aufgeboben
Art. 64 (6) Niue Public Service Commission
A member of the Commission may resign his office at any time by written notice to
the Premier, or may be removed from office by the Cabinet on the ground that he is unable
to discharge the functions of his office (whether by reason of infirmity of body or mind
or from any other cause) or misbehaviour.
Art. 65. Acting members of Commission
Any person acting in place of a member of the Commission pursuant to this Article
shall be deemed for all purposes to be a member of the Commission, and no appointment of
any such person, and no act done by him in his capacity as a member of the Commission
shall in any proceedings be questioned on the ground that the occasion for his appointment
had not arisen or had ceased.
Art. 82 (1) Interpretation
(*) "Chief Justice" means the Chief Justice of the High Court of Niue appointed
under Article 42 of this Constitution; and includes any other Judge of the High Court
authorised under Article 40 of this Constitution to perform the office or exercise any
function of the Chief Justice;
(**) "Court of appeal" means the Court of appeal of Niue established by Article 52 of this Constitution;
(***) "Judge", in relation to the High Court, means any Judge of that Court including the Chief Justice
[and, in relation to the Land Court, means any Judge of that Court including the Chief Judge
of that Court];
(***) "Land Appellate Court" means the Land Appellate Court of Niue established by Article 43 of this Constitution"
"Land Court" means the Land Court of Niue established by Article 40 of this Constitution."
(*) "Chief Justice" means the Chief Justice of the High Court of Niue appointed
under Article 42 of this Constitution; and includes any other Judge of the High Court
authorised under Article 40 of this Constitution to perform the office or exercise any
function of the Chief Justice;
(*) neu definiert, (**) hinzugefügt, (***) aufgehoben